9 Notes for me in March Swift 4.2
1. Create Rest API your own in GitHub
-- create a new repo
-- create new file restful API format JSON
-- open file https://api.github.com/repos/username/yourrepo/contents/filename
-- select "download_url" and you get like below
use this link in your app:
for a test, you can run in Postman or in your GitHub click "Raw" in a file in repo and copy the link
2. If you found an error "Instance will be immediately deallocated because property 'dataSource' is 'weak'"
use this solution, for example:
--- from this
-- to this
3. NotificationCenter use UIApplication swift 4.2 change
4. "iPhone has denied the launch request." Xcode 10.2
The Error You may have seen a question on the cause of this error before:
iPhone has denied the launch request. Cannot launch app, because is a new rule from apple
so this solution for you: got to tab Product -> Scheme -> EditScheme. remove checklist debug executable.
5. NavigationBar prefersLargeTitles Change Color
--- use largeTitleTextAttributes & titleTextAttributes set in viewdidload
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController?.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController?.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.gray
navigationController?.navigationBar.largeTitleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key(rawValue: NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor.rawValue): UIColor.white]
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key(rawValue: NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor.rawValue): UIColor.white]
6. UITabBarController hide navigation bar in special pages
extension MainViewController: UITabBarControllerDelegate {
public func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 0 {
self.navigationItem.title = "Food"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
} else if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 1 {
self.navigationItem.title = "Search"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: false)
} else {
self.navigationItem.title = "Library"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: false)
return true
7. Custom UITabbar Bottom
self.tabBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
self.tabBar.tintColor = UIColor.gray
self.tabBar.layer.masksToBounds = true
self.tabBar.isTranslucent = true
self.tabBar.barStyle = .blackOpaque . // style tab bar
self.tabBar.layer.cornerRadius = 20
self.tabBar.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner] // special for tabbar
8. New Rounded function will be available for iOS 11 and up
// Detail rounded
.topLeft = layerMinXMinYCorner
.bottomLeft = layerMaxXMaxYCorner
.topRight = .layerMaxXMinYCorner
.bottomLeft = layerMinXMaxYCorner
layer.cornerRadius = 10
layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMaxXMinYCorner, .layerMinXMaxYCorner]
9. How to pdf as file image in swift 4
To try it out, drop a PDF file into your asset catalog, then change its Scales property Individual scale to Single scale like this below. this has the effect of making Xcode convert it to @2x and @3x at build time.
-- create a new repo
-- create new file restful API format JSON
-- open file https://api.github.com/repos/username/yourrepo/contents/filename
-- select "download_url" and you get like below
use this link in your app:
for a test, you can run in Postman or in your GitHub click "Raw" in a file in repo and copy the link
2. If you found an error "Instance will be immediately deallocated because property 'dataSource' is 'weak'"
use this solution, for example:
--- from this
-- to this
3. NotificationCenter use UIApplication swift 4.2 change
forName: Notification.Name.UIApplicationDidEnterBackground
forName: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification
4. "iPhone has denied the launch request." Xcode 10.2
iPhone has denied the launch request. Cannot launch app, because is a new rule from apple
so this solution for you: got to tab Product -> Scheme -> EditScheme. remove checklist debug executable.
5. NavigationBar prefersLargeTitles Change Color
--- use largeTitleTextAttributes & titleTextAttributes set in viewdidload
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController?.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController?.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.gray
navigationController?.navigationBar.largeTitleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key(rawValue: NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor.rawValue): UIColor.white]
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key(rawValue: NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor.rawValue): UIColor.white]
6. UITabBarController hide navigation bar in special pages
extension MainViewController: UITabBarControllerDelegate {
public func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 0 {
self.navigationItem.title = "Food"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
} else if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 1 {
self.navigationItem.title = "Search"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: false)
} else {
self.navigationItem.title = "Library"
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: false)
return true
7. Custom UITabbar Bottom
self.tabBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
self.tabBar.tintColor = UIColor.gray
self.tabBar.layer.masksToBounds = true
self.tabBar.isTranslucent = true
self.tabBar.barStyle = .blackOpaque . // style tab bar
self.tabBar.layer.cornerRadius = 20
self.tabBar.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner] // special for tabbar
8. New Rounded function will be available for iOS 11 and up
// Detail rounded
.topLeft = layerMinXMinYCorner
.bottomLeft = layerMaxXMaxYCorner
.topRight = .layerMaxXMinYCorner
.bottomLeft = layerMinXMaxYCorner
layer.cornerRadius = 10
layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMaxXMinYCorner, .layerMinXMaxYCorner]
9. How to pdf as file image in swift 4
To try it out, drop a PDF file into your asset catalog, then change its Scales property Individual scale to Single scale like this below. this has the effect of making Xcode convert it to @2x and @3x at build time.
9 Notes for me in March Swift 4.2
Reviewed by Luffyselah
March 12, 2019
Rating: 5